I had been traveling Latin America for 6 months when I came across Manuel whilst in Santa Marta. I had put out there that I was looking for a sailing experience and Manuel kindly sent through his workaway profile. I was invited onboard for a sunset sail that very same day to get a feel for the operation, and absolutely loved it.
The workaway arrangement was that you volunteer your help and work for a few hours a day in exchange for accommodation and food. I felt I had made a good connection with Manuel and his cousin Luz, and moved into their apartment the very next day. I started off by agreeing to 3 weeks but was having too much fun and ended up staying 7 weeks!
I had absolutely no experience on boats prior to being here, and have now learnt an awful lot. Maintenance is key was Manny´s very first lesson and I can now appreciate the hard work that really goes into having a boat and a business! Part of my work included cleaning the boat, not only before a trip but every other day too, and I could see the importance of it! There is always something to be done and I actually found it quite satisfying to be completing the tasks.
My main job was to act as a host whilst on our sunset tours and private day trips, but that hardly felt like work at all! I had to serve a few drinks and ensure the guests were entertained, and on the day trips I actually got the chance to snorkel with them too! I got to spend the day or the evening on the water, with beautiful views all around, wind on my face, good music playing at all times and awesome people to keeping me company - it truly was surreal. I would often find myself watching a stunning sunset, which looked different every day, and thinking to myself how lucky and grateful I was to be there.
Being on the boat was absolutely the highlight of the job, but being in the home was just as interesting! I had the opportunity to assist with editing & publishing the Global Sailing Website, which was a new challenge for me. It was quite interesting to see the backend of the business and the work that goes into it behind the scenes. I underestimated the amount of online work that would be involved but enjoyed being able to dabble in a few different aspects.
Simply living with Manny, Laura & Luz was also incredible. They were so extremely welcoming and friendly and truly made me feel like I had a home away from home. Often they would have friends over or we would go out, and a good laugh and some fun was always guaranteed. They would kindly invite me along to everything, yet I also had the chance to have my own downtime & space - which after traveling and being on the move for so long was greatly appreciated!
Every day was different and exciting, but it wasn't all work! Whilst staying here I got the chance to explore the surrounding areas of Santa Marta and met some wonderful people too. It was an awesome way to really experience a daily Colombian lifestyle and I learnt a lot about myself whilst being here. I absolutely loved the feeling of being on a boat, even just when cleaning it, and really enjoyed being around the friendly community at the marina too. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, discovered a new appreciation for the ocean, and also found the time to acknowledge & value the small things.
I will be forever thankful for my time there and all that it has taught me, and was actually quite reluctant to move on. I count myself extremely lucky to have found a place where I was welcomed and given the chance to experience new things, learn new skills and grow as a person. I will always cherish this little chapter and the lifelong connections I made whilst here!